It is rewar­ding to crea­te some­thing exep­tio­nal, some­thing that bares your own signa­tu­re and inspi­res people.

Huber­tus von Frankenberg

It is rewar­ding to crea­te some­thing exep­tio­nal, some­thing that bares your own signa­tu­re and inspi­res people.

Huber­tus von Frankenberg

“Emo­tio­nal Treasures”
A sto­ry about pas­si­on and emotion.


For fur­ther examp­les of finis­hed pie­ces, plea­se cont­act me by mail or phone.


Follo­wing seve­ral years at jewe­ler Hem­mer­le in Munich, Huber­tus von Fran­ken­berg spent 15 years lea­ding the Frank­furt and Ham­burg bran­ches of Tif­fa­ny & Co.

In 2011 Huber­tus von Fran­ken­berg estab­lished his first jewel­ry coll­ec­tion, whilst addi­tio­nal­ly spe­cia­li­zing in bespo­ke pie­ces, jewel­ry remo­de­ling and gem­stone invest­ment consulting.

Huber­tus von Fran­ken­berg crea­tes ele­gant, tim­e­l­ess and uni­que jewel­ry of impres­si­ve aesthetics.

He draws inspi­ra­ti­on from archi­tec­tu­ral design and natu­ral hues and is reco­gniz­ab­ly influen­ced by Art Deco’s endu­ring style.

Colou­red gem­sto­nes form the cen­ter of his crea­ti­ons and are incor­po­ra­ted into a fine­ly craf­ted and bespo­ke composition.

Shapes, colors and struc­tures deter­mi­ne the direc­tion-final­ly the­re is a sym­bio­sis of all…

Huber­tus von Frankenberg

Follo­wing seve­ral years at jewe­ler Hem­mer­le in Munich, Huber­tus von Fran­ken­berg spent 15 years lea­ding the Frank­furt and Ham­burg bran­ches of Tif­fa­ny & Co.

In 2011 Huber­tus von Fran­ken­berg estab­lished his first jewel­ry coll­ec­tion, whilst addi­tio­nal­ly spe­cia­li­zing in bespo­ke pie­ces, jewel­ry remo­de­ling and gem­stone invest­ment consulting.

Huber­tus von Fran­ken­berg crea­tes ele­gant, tim­e­l­ess and uni­que jewel­ry of impres­si­ve aesthetics.

He draws inspi­ra­ti­on from archi­tec­tu­ral design and natu­ral hues and is reco­gniz­ab­ly influen­ced by Art Deco’s endu­ring style.

Colou­red gem­sto­nes form the cen­ter of his crea­ti­ons and are incor­po­ra­ted into a fine­ly craf­ted and bespo­ke composition.

Shapes, colors and struc­tures deter­mi­ne the direc­tion-final­ly the­re is a sym­bio­sis of all…

Huber­tus von Frankenberg

Follo­wing seve­ral years at jewe­ler Hem­mer­le in Munich, Huber­tus von Fran­ken­berg spent 15 years lea­ding the Frank­furt and Ham­burg bran­ches of Tif­fa­ny & Co.

In 2011 Huber­tus von Fran­ken­berg estab­lished his first jewel­ry coll­ec­tion, whilst addi­tio­nal­ly spe­cia­li­zing in bespo­ke pie­ces, jewel­ry remo­de­ling and gem­stone invest­ment consulting.

Huber­tus von Fran­ken­berg crea­tes ele­gant, tim­e­l­ess and uni­que jewel­ry of impres­si­ve aesthetics.

He draws inspi­ra­ti­on from archi­tec­tu­ral design and natu­ral hues and is reco­gniz­ab­ly influen­ced by Art Deco’s endu­ring style.

Colou­red gem­sto­nes form the cen­ter of his crea­ti­ons and are incor­po­ra­ted into a fine­ly craf­ted and bespo­ke composition.

Shapes, colors and struc­tures deter­mi­ne the direc­tion-final­ly the­re is a sym­bio­sis of all…

Huber­tus von Frankenberg

Inves­t­ing in gemstones

Subt­le color aberra­ti­ons and inclu­si­ons often dic­ta­te a stone’s value. Qua­li­ty assess­ment is com­plex and depends on sub­stan­ti­al exper­ti­se. Fun­da­men­tal­ly, a distinc­tion can be drawn bet­ween invest­ment in colo­red gem­sto­nes and in diamonds.

In recent years, colo­red gem­sto­nes have enjoy­ed signi­fi­cant and sus­tained rises in value; this has appli­ed not only to rubies, sap­phi­res and emer­alds, but also to other rare gems, such as the Parai­ba tour­ma­li­ne and the man­da­rin garnet.

Unli­ke dia­monds, which are asses­sed by puri­ty, color, cut and carat weight, gem­sto­nes are main­ly eva­lua­ted by pro­ven­an­ce, color inten­si­ty and expressiveness.

Alt­hough the Rapa­port Pri­ce List is com­mon­ly used as an inter­na­tio­nal bench­mark by dea­lers to esti­ma­te dia­mond pri­ces, it ser­ves pri­ma­ri­ly as a gui­de. Moreo­ver, this bench­mark does not account for dia­monds of excep­tio­nal qua­li­ty and size or natu­ral­ly colou­red dia­monds who­se pri­ce is sub­ject to tra­di­tio­nal mar­ket forces.

It is for the­se excep­tio­nal gems, in par­ti­cu­lar the ‘Fan­cy Colou­red Dia­monds’ in rare shades of red, pink, green and blue, that breath­ta­king valua­tions have been attained.